Professor Norman Shanks FSyI is the founder and Principal Partner of NSAI – Norman Shanks Associates International, Norman is a Visiting Professor in Aviation Security Coventry University, an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Security Science in the Faculty of Computing, Health and Science, Edith Cowan University (Australia), a Fellow of the Security Institute, and also a member of the ASIS UK Chapter 28.

Norman is recognised internationally as one of the world’s foremost specialists in aviation security with over thirty years operational and management experience in civil aviation. He is a Past Chairman of the Airports Council International (world level) Aviation Security Standing Committee.

As Airport Security Manager for Heathrow Airport during 1986 - 1991, he worked closely with the DOT on Avsec matters and was responsible for planning and developing the airport security policies, operational and training procedures. He was one of the industry leaders in the post PA103 incident working with Transec in enhancing aviation security measures and he project managed the research, design development and implementation of a BAA group wide electronic access control system, designed and implemented the 100% staff and vehicle access screening operation and established the Heathrow specialist security training units.

From 1991-1996, as Head of Group Security for BAA Plc he was the BAA representative on the UK NASC and continued to work in close cooperation with the DOT on policy, planning and human factors matters he also pioneered the smart automated 100% checked baggage screening concept; which utilised the best elements of technology and human interface, variations on which have become the de facto Global standard.

He worked on the new Hong Kong International Airport project from 1996-1997, planning and developing the aviation security systems and operations, and was the lead specialist operations and security advisor on the integration of the 100% automated checked baggage screening system, and other airport security systems.

Norman is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Aviations security International ( as well as a regular contributor to the International News Media, TV, radio and Newspaper media including Sky News, BBC, ITV, Channel 4 & 5 the Al Jazeera English Channel amongst other international and Global media outlets.
